Programming & Algorithms Using Python

 hello viewers!!

In this post we understand what is programming and algorithms in python .

As we studied earlier that Alogorithms is a how to describes systemically such given task.In cooking language we known as recipes. In programming language we known as a Algorithms.

Our target is to be what is exactly Algorithms.?

Algorithms is that manipulate information. If we talk about basic Algorithms that we are very using from high school is an  mathematical operator like addition, multiplication.

lets take one example viewers::

when we were high school teacher said that  do 48*25

First of all we write 48 then we write 25 and starting the multiplication.

then we take 4 from the 48 and multiplies  with 25 

then we take 8 and same as did before.

and the final we get answere. 

same we will doing in Algorithms.

So it is not only question of taking a number in and number out.

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