how to download or intsall photoshop for pc and mobile

                                 PHOTOSHOP  CS3

photoshop tools
photoshop tools
             PHOTOSHOP  is a very widely used software in editing , touching and mixing to create a web layout and to give special effect to photos and images. This software is also helpful in preparing magazines , product , portfolio , brochures , websites , and in editing old photograph. Thus , it is widely used in advertising media. There are many version of  PHOTOSHO but PHOTOSHOP CS is the latest powerful software PHOTOSHOP  CS3 version is divided into  two parts :

  All the above mention operation can be performed in the 

                PHOTOSHOP  standard version . So, this version is very much popular in photographers and artist , while PHOTOSHOP extended version is useful in specialize industries  like research science, because many features are added in it. like image analysis measurements counting abilities, photoscopping (printing on a film and video ), 32 bit painting , export in and 3-D and CAD format and data base connectivity . Thus , this version is little bit complicated but more  beneficial PHOTOSHOP  CS3 includes tools like red eye tools, color replacement tool , quick selection tool , count tool and many more. for image ; mixing and to create layout. It also include some new menu and styles.

      FIRST of we will understand how to download and install the  PHOTOSHOP

                  PHOTOSHOP  CS3 requires 80 to 100 MB space in the hard disk. Insert photoshop installation CD into CD drive icon from my computer to see a list of all the files of the CD. Double click on the setup.exe (exe means software file)  file to start installation.

                   Follow the on screen instructions and use Next, Yes, No,Cancel button to answer the questions.In this way Photoshop is installed.

                        It is necessary to enter serial number for every product of the Photoshop.If serial correct , then Photoshop will be installed.

Photoshop screen
Photoshop screen

                                                TITLE BAR
                Top most bar of the window is called Title Bar, which shows application title and file name. For example, our application is PHOTOSHOP  CS3 , then it will display Application  PHOTOSHOP  CS3 .There are three commands buttons on it's right side.

abode photoshop

            When you click on this button, window is minimized and it comes on the taskbar and when you click on it once again it is turned into its original position.

When you click on this button, window turns into medium size, and if you click once again window is turned into its original position.

When you click on this button.PHOTOSHOP  CS3 is closed and you come out of it.

                                     MENU BAR

photoshop menu bar
photoshop menu bar 

                     There are different menus in Menu Bar like File , Edit ,View ,etc . There are total 10 Menus in PHOTOSHOP  CS3 Each menu has different commands and every command performs specific operation. For Example , if we click on File menu , then a pull down menu appears having command list. New commands create new file , open commands opens existing file. Thus , each commands performs some specific operation.

                         OPTION BAR 

              Option bar shows different option according to select tool. e.g if  Marquee tool is selected , then it shows option related to marquee tool like single selection mode or Add / Subtract selection  mode, Feather Pixel , Selection Style ,Selection Height , Selection Width etc . 

                                 IMAGE WINDOW
Photoshop CS3: Image window
photoshop cs3: image window

                    Image window displays edited images.This is the area where any type of work can be done and you can take same type of print out of the image or text that is in the image window.

                         IMAGE TITLE BAR

                  When any image is opened in the Photoshop window ,title appears same has title bar on the top, which displays information related to image like file name, file format, zoom size , color mode , bit size.


Adobe Photoshop CS3 rulers
Adobe Photoshop CS3 rulers
Rulers is used to set specific point on the image and to measure grid point.           
                          STATUS BAR :

Adobe Photoshop CS3. status bar
Adobe Photoshop CS3. status bar
                   Status bar displays some important information like current Magnification, Active image size, and detail information about active tool.If version cue is enable, then it also displays it. 
Staus bar is at the bottom of every document window.

                                         ADOBE BRIDGE
adobe bridge in photoshop
adobe bridge in photoshop
Bridge 2.0 is one of the  important features of PHOTOSHOP  CS3 .File Browser was introduced in PHOTOSHOP  CS2. 7.0 and then it was introduced as Abode Bridge in PHOTOSHOP  CS2. Same features is known as Bridge 2.0 in PHOTOSHOP  CS3. 
  • Abode Bridge Button is on the right side of the Option bar. 
  • Abode Bridge is used for point or to create content using web or mobile device. 
  • It become is easy to access file like PSD ,AI, IND, Adobe PDF file Abode or Non Adobe, application file using Abode Bridge 

                                       FILE BROWSING

                      This option of abode bridge is used to see , search , Sort or manage the file . It is also used to create folder , rename folder, to move and to delete folder and to rotate image as well to run batch , commands.

                       VERSION CUE
version cue in photoshop
version cue in photoshop
                If Abode Creative Suit is installed  in the computer, Then Abode Bridge Center is the 'Dash Board ' of the Abode Creative Suit in the Abode Bridge . It is used to see New web browser reader. It also displays Trips and Tricks  for Abode Product. It is also used to save file group. 
                                       CAMERA ROW
                               Abode Bridge is used to open , edit and save Camera Row file in Photoshop compatible format . It is also used to edit image setting using Camera Row  Dialog Box without opening Photoshop.

                             STOCK PHOTOS
                        Leading Stock can be searched  from the library of the Royalty Free Image by selecting Stock Photo option from the favorite pan of Abode Bridge. Loss resolution and this complementary version of Image can be downloaded in the project. 

                             COLOR MANAGE

color manage in photoshop
color manage in photoshop
                    Abode Bridge is used to synchornize color settings in the apps. Syncronize unsure that color found is uniform. 

                                                                PALETTE WELL

palette in Photoshop
                           Palette Well is also  included in Option Bar of Photoshop, which is useful to organize and manage Palette.It stores or locks frequently used palette, so , it can not be opened in the work area.


palette in Photoshop
palette in Photoshop 
                               Palettes are used in photoshop to monitor the work or make changes
To display palette menu,click on the triangle on the right side of the palette
 To change palette size ,drag it from any corner
Double click on the  palette tab or click on the minimized button to collapse palette group
Every palette can also be open from window
Color palettes can never be tracked 

                                                     THE NAVIGATOR PALETTE

                  Navigator palette is used to navigate image.Here,same tool used for scrolling and zooming .This option is used mostly when work is done on large image .

                                                      INFO PALETTE 

palette in Photoshop
palette in Photoshop 

                  Info palette displays different information according to the selected tool. For e.g ,it displaced x and y position of the cursor .It also display the color of the position and according to color readout RGB and second color readout CMYK .                                         

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